Phoebe, the Papillon here. I’m your canine health expert on all things designed to help keep us dogs living our best lives, and today we’re going to talk about several different ways to brush a dog’s teeth.
Many humans will get one of those little rubber finger cap thingies that they rub over our gums when we are puppies, but honestly, beyond getting us used to having our teeth tended to, which is a good start, these caps don’t do much, and then sadly many humans forget about our teeth care once we become adults.
Why do many humans forget about caring for our teeth?
Often it’s because we dogs like to fight the process and make a big fuss, so it becomes something our people would rather avoid doing.
Why Regular Dental Care Is Essential for Your Dog‘s Health
So listen up, you doggies — quit the fussing and let your humans brush your teeth.
Tell them that even though you seem not to enjoy the process that it’s good for your health and just one of those things that takes mere minutes each day that could add years to your life.
There are teeth brushes with long curved handles designed to help brush your doggy teeth that your humans can get at the pet store, or depending on the size of your teeth, they can simply buy a soft bristle child’s or adult’s toothbrush at their local drug store to get you started with a good teeth brushing routine.
Also, your humans might consider using one of those electric toothbrushes (the round ones) because they do a much better job of cleaning their teeth, and will do the same for you because the buzzing does all the work and all your humans have to do is hold the brush against your teeth.
While this brush takes more getting used to, and you will have to slowly get you used to the buzzing sensation, it will do a marvelous job of cleaning your doggy teeth and keeping your gums healthy.
Your humans can also buy flavored doggy toothpaste to put on your toothbrush that you might like the taste of, but honestly your doggy teeth brushing takes only a couple of minutes, so your people might choose a simple home remedy and dip your brush in hydrogen peroxide because the tiny amount you might swallow won’t harm you and this stuff will kill bacteria while keeping your teeth white.
Finally, those humans do come up with some pretty amazing inventions, and one which I recently discovered from HICC Pet, is a convenient and very easy way to freshen breath while cleaning teeth and enhancing gums without the use of a toothbrush.
Yes, you heard right — no toothbrush. You will definitely want to tell your humans to get these.
P.S. Don’t let your people be fooled by the many dental sprays, washes, water additives and plague off sprinkles that are added to food as a way to keep your doggy teeth healthy, because these are just for fooling humans who would rather not brush your teeth.
P.P.S. Also some of you doggies might have experienced that frightening trip to the vet’s office where you get sedated and then have to suffer through humans using sharp tools to remove the buildup of that hard, crusty stuff and polish your teeth. I’m sure you will agree that this is not fun.
Bottom line — The only way to truly keep your teeth and gums healthy is by getting your humans to care for your teeth, like they do for their own, and this means asking them to please gett on board with a routine of daily teeth brushing for you.
Dog Dental Care Spray
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a naturally occurring compound found in the white blood cells of mammals and is commonly used in human skincare products. As the key ingredient in HICC Pet® Oral Care Solution, HOCl effectively reduces germs, soothes irritations, and supports your pet’s oral health.

This is Boris the dog, wishing you peace, love and bacon, at
Sniff ya’ later!
P.S. Please be a good neighbor and take a moment to share this content with your humans, loved ones, family and friends – WOOF!
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